Posts Tagged ‘Interfaces’

Interface Naming Conventions

Naming is a hugely important factor to consider and directly influences how effective my work is and how much I enjoy it. It forces you to think about the very nature of things. This article discusses the PHP convention of adding the suffix “Interface” to your interfaces.

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Attracting Developers To WordPress

Ryan McCue, Senior Engineer at Human Made and WordPress Core Developer, has posted a series of tweets regarding the fact that WordPress is far from an ideal platform for developers, which has spawned a lot of discussion. As a long-form response to this, here’s a list of changes I would like to see in WordPress,…

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Type Declarations using Interfaces in PHP

I’ve recently completed a preliminary code audit on an existing WordPress plugin, and one of the goals I’ve set for that audit was to decouple the code from the JavaScript library it was using, so that it could easily be extended to support future versions of that library. A question came back about the constructor syntax…

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